Meyer London

Hellraisers Journal: May Day in New York City! Unionists & Socialist Turn Out by Tens of Thousands!

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday May 2, 1916
From The New York Times: Thousands March Singing Marseillaise

May Day 1916, NYC Parade, LOC.png

Hellraisers Journal: NY Socialists Plan Mass Meeting for Moyer & Haywood; Mother Jones to Speak

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday March 13, 1906
From The New York Times: Socialists Rally Behind Moyer and Haywood

From the Times of March 12th:


Ex-Mayor of Haverhill Wants Them to
Fight to Save Moyer and Haywood.

Socialist Party of America Button.gif

A appeal was made at yesterday's meeting of the Central Federated Union By John C. Chase, Former Socialist Mayor of Haverhill, Mass., for co-operation with the Socialists in protesting against the punishment of President Moyer, Secretary Haywood, and other officers of the Western Federation of Miners, who were arrested in connection with a number of murders, including the assassination of ex-Gov. Steunenberg of Idaho. These men are now in jail in Boise City. Capitalists and corporations were denounced impartially by Chase. He said that the unions at a meeting last Thursday decided on a perpetual agitation on behalf of the imprisoned men and asked to attend the first conference to push along the agitation which will begin in the Grand Central Palace to-morrow. Referring to Moyer and Haywood, he said:

If these two men are hanged, and if any man in this body, or any other body of the kind, is not then willing to shoulder a gun and fight for his class, he is a coward.

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: Socialists from Three Nations Ask to End War

I have no country to fight for;
my country is the earth;
I am a citizen of the world.
Eugene Victor Debs

Tuesday December 28, 1915
From the Appeal to Reason: Socialist Legislators from Three Nations Seek to End the War

From the Christmas Day edition of the Appeal comes the news that Socialists from the legislative bodies of Great Britain, Germany, and the United States have asked for an end to the war now raging in Europe:

Socialists Ask to End War in Parliament of Three Nations

Great Britain

Philip Snowden, House of Commons 1906-1924.png

On December 8, 1915, Philip Snowden, Socialist member of House of Commons, called upon the British Prime Minister for a statement as to the possibility of ending the war. This was Asquith's reply made in Parliament:

If proposals of a serious character for a general peace are put forward by the enemy governments either directly or through a neutral power they will be discussed by the allied governments.

Asquith thinks it is a sign of weakness for his country to begin peace negotiations. If that view is taken by all seriously and adhered to nothing but death of all the soldiers at the front could possibly end the war. Somebody must begin. Why not Great Britain?