Open Thread - Thurs 18 Apr 2024 - Headlines Mislead, Again
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 04/18/2024 - 5:00am
18 April 2024 - Headlines Mislead, Again
According to recent news articles (two on different stations with the same message, think this is orchestrated?) the number of anti-semitic incidents has been way up this past year. One headline says, 'Antisemitic incidents skyrocketing in Western Washington and across U.S'. Another says 'Anti-Defamation League reports record-high antisemitic incidents in Pacific Northwest'. The articles say most of the incidents were 'harassment or vandalism' but bomb threats are up too. The picture that the local Seattle news station, KOMO (see link above) shows with their article is of a synagogue which was vandalized with graffiti that says 'Shame on Israel' and 'Stop Killing' and 'You Know Better'.
Image of local vandalism from Komo article. Image by Lori Turck-Rogers.