love of oligarchs

The Weekly Watch

America's love Affair

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As I thought about this Valentine theme my first notion was the US loves money...but that can't be right cause the US Fed creates currency willy-nilly, as much and as often as needed. However, follow the money and you arrive at America's true love...its corporate oligarchs. They receive trillions in created currency to purchase their own stock and protect profits for the market. Reagan created the "plunge protection team" back in the '80's to make sure the market wouldn't collapse, and now the Fed is in the business of funding them. The commoners are fodder for the profit mills in our neo-fuedal system. War was another tempting US love (7 min), but that also accelerates the oligarchs wealth, so I'm sticking with oligarchs as the primary US romantic obsession.
Who Rules America: The Rise of the Military-Industrial Complex | ENDEVR Documentary 2012

(24 min)