I have seen the light. Hallelujah. I no longer disbelieve Dr. Fauci.

With thanks to an online friend who sent me this powerful, inspirational and educational video. So much goodness rolled up into a 7 minute video is astonishing. All the time I wasted in Medical School and my unwavering belief in facts have been washed away by watching this video.

Fie on any unbelievers, who doubt what the Great White Father in Washington has planned for us. I have heard this sermon. Now, I, too, believe that all is right when we listen and obey authority.

Central California SARS2 battlefield, personal experience included

The two brave emergency physicians (technically urgent care, which is usually dealing with lesser illnesses, at least during presentation) have dared to speak up. The gall. The utter disregard for the Moral Authoritarians, most often colored Smurf-blue is wondrous to behold. Their first video which was removed almost entirely from YouTube, and perhaps totally by now obtained 5 million views. But here is the sin: they told the truth.

SARS2 random notes on recent developments

Whether we start from mid-December 2019 or mid-February, 2020, the amount of new information is increasingly rapid. With in a remarkably short time, so much is being learned about the disease that it must now be called a disease spectrum. Of course the primary end-organ affected is the ACE2 receptor bearing lungs.