Pelosi and YouTube want you to die

Tired of starving? Tired of being out of work? Tired of no income?

Nancy Antoinette Pelosi wants you to eat chocolate ice cream and then die. Harrumph, you say, Marie Antoinette didn't say that! How do you know? Were you there? Was Anderson Cooper there--or Fredo?

Without displaying Trump's brilliant political assassination of Nervous Antoinette Pelosi, I assure you that this campaign slaughter of the Dems will be amplified by PCR (political correctness rebuttal) which is quite potent when dangled in front of the salivating masses, questing for Mars Bars or Hershey Kisses.

$24K for a fridge. $13 for a pint of 0 proof chocolate (booze is extra). What's not to like here, you downtrodden, starving ants? Really now, ants should not be eating chocolate. Chocolate is for encasing ants before their crunchy goodness goes into your mouth. When will the 6 legged ants become prey for the two-legged ants?

When offered a chance to help the starving masses with short-term bailout to small business, Nervous Antoinette said: "No way!" She wouldn't give Commander Cheeto the satisfaction. No sir, no ma'am. Not over your dead body.

My favorite quote (as of this month): "If Trump invented Oxygen, Democrats would hold their breath".

Pseudoprogressive Sasparilla Pray-millie of Northwest Washington State argued, in defense of Nervous Antoinette, the the Dems need to preserve their leverage. Leverage over whom? Why, your dying organisms, that's who. Remember what Archimedes said? I do. I was there--yes, I am old. He said: "Give me a lever long enough and I will pry the Orange Man out of the White House".

Furthermore, Washington State boasts proud Obergruppenführer, Herr Insley who proposes we wear pretty yellow badges, with or without stars of David, to prove we are of Pure Blood (i.e., not contaminated with Jewishness, er SARS2).

When I think of Wonderful Washington State, I start humming the Horst Wessel Lied to myself. That was a top hit in 1934 Berliner Rundfunk. It is rumored that Gov. Insley in the privacy of the executive mansion, dances with Frau Insley to a lilting waltz version.

Now, onward to the Media as promised in the title heretofore presented. (I have consulted with attorneys before preparing this and every preceding essay, to ensure that the DOJ will find no cause for legal censuring).

YouTube, now owned by Google, now owned by Alphabet, now owned by DS and probably GS, has opened its Department of Truth. Their fact checkers are busily expunging any semblance of truthful reportage, including those narrative dismissive of the epidemic fear porn, known to the world as COVID-19, but the illuminati here at c99 known as SARS2.

Two Emergency Room physicians from Californicate's Central Valley noted that the ER's are largely deserted except for SARS2 cases which are trickling in. They are not flooding in. SARS2 sufferers are not occupying whole floors of hospitals nor utilizing cadres of ventilators.

Dr. Erickson's interview with a Central Valley TV Station has been declared by TPTB to be unsubstantiated rubbish, designed by a licensed physician who practices on the front lines of Medicine, to instill into the public facts--oh, the horror. Facts about the non-flood of SARS2 victims into the various hospitals at which he works. That video had 5 million views.

However, at least for now, the content-purifiers at Susan Wojisky's empire have not rid the enterprise of part 2 of Dr. Erikson's discussion.


But, you protest, Dr. Alligator, this is THE PLAGUE of a life-time! People are dropping like flies (actually more like ants). You trivialize this Destroyer of the World as We Know It. Sent by Shiva, the Destroyer to cleanse the planet of our sins (hallelujah, come the resurrection of the world, the Rapture or the Rupture).

Here is the hidden message, if you can call the throngs of the starving multitudes hidden. You know those pesky "minor surgeries" people have had to forego, such as appendectomies, ruptured ovarian cysts, kidney stones lodged in ureters, brain aneurysms enlarging to cause non-SARS2-related headaches. You know, that stuff.

How many people are right now drinking themselves to death? Or shooting themselves? Or overdosing on Fentanyl imports from China? Stop that, you xenophobic alligator. Do not blame China or Xi for our well-deserved epidemic of civil destruction. We got plenty of good drugs made right here in the good ol' US of A--oops, 90% are made in China.

The truth will set you free. No, the truth will prevent you voting Blue-No-Matter-Who.

Will all the Biden Fans please report to the Pelosi living room for your chocolate rations.

In conclusion, a quote from Sara A. Carter:

They took it down [the video referred to by Dr. Erickson]- think about what’s happening here in America. This is so unacceptable - ideas can’t flourish, we can’t learn from one another and why silence two doctors on the front line - how did their statements violate rules?

Sara, don't you know that the rules specifically state that all declarations must be peer-reviewed by panels led by Neera Tanden, David Brock and John Podesta?

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Alligator Ed's picture

Alligator Ed's picture

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Raggedy Ann's picture

whenever I think about the congress critters who don't want us to have anything yet are giving their corporate masters everything, is that of a fat uncle sam sitting on top of the population, crushing them and picking the dead ones off his butt with tweezers like they are dead mosquitoes. That's what we represent.

However, remember that such a scene will end up crushing those below, while their fat selves will continue to fall into the abyss, leaving the lucky survivors of the population to create a whole new system. This is what I see coming. Where is the caricaturist to draw this?

Anyway, they are trying to crush us, but the tables will turn in the end. No one gets a free ride. Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

Better to live life fully.
How safe is it to be isolated?
Fear not what your country can do to you.
(paraphrasing a couple pols)

The May 1 general strike may well morph into
a more violent expression of freedom.
Time for a change.

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question everything

Raggedy Ann's picture


The May 1 general strike may well morph into a more violent expression of freedom.

The revolution will come, but not yet. Be patient.

Live in the present - live in love. Pleasantry

6 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

@Raggedy Ann

so much as considering the consequences

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question everything

Raggedy Ann's picture

Revolution comes in many forms.

4 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

@Raggedy Ann

rebellion is expressed in many ways
perhaps 'not doing' is a path we can
venture with as much result

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question everything

Raggedy Ann's picture

we're fixin' to find out! Revolution is coming! Pleasantry

1 user has voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Jen's picture

There's these short ads on TV that show celebrities in their homes and the ad says, "alone together". I've wondered out loud if they're going to make some "starving together" ads to try to make us feel better about the fact that there's nothing being done about it.

13 users have voted.
QMS's picture


as a badge of honor

wearing a mask

to protect others

kinda shit is this

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question everything

Was going to include this in an essay but you beat me to it.

Fortunately, a fair bit of the interview was transcribed and put up on Zero Hedge

As with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (see below) they correctly bring up the numerous negative effects - mental. physical and economical prolonged lockdowns produce that are mostly going unmentioned by the MSM.

Importantly, they predict that people's health will have been so compromised by the lockdowns that a rise in disease can be expected when they go off - even as the medical system itself is compromised because hospitals are broke, doctors and other staff laid off, etc.

Buzzfeed was alarmed enough by the interview below - by Christina Aguayo of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai to warn their readers off from the "disinformation" - the interview having gotten over 6 million views. Maybe didn't work so well since, despite YT's making it difficult to find, it was up to over 7 million views a day or so later.

Part of their "truthful and relevant reporting about the coronavirus" don't you know...

BTW - Dr. Shiva is a Republican candidate for US Senate in Massachusetts. Ran as an independent against Elizabeth Warren in 2018 and only got less than 4% of the vote - hopefully, it will be different this time around.

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QMS's picture

@Blue Republic
safety is less healthy than freedom

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question everything

Alligator Ed's picture

@QMS Risk taking need not be a blind endeavor. It can and should be done with a reasonable expectation, based on facts as they are known at the time, combined with willingness to sacrifice total safety for the opportunity of a greater good. There is no such thing as total safety--no where, no time, no place. A meteor can crush you and yours in a millisecond. Tornadoes out of nowhere can blow your house down and suck you out where the roof used to be.

We all die. Life is a lottery. Roll the dice--don't think twice--once you've assessed the risk.


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QMS's picture

@Alligator Ed

free of fear imposed
a choice to decide
what is not so probable
as desireable

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question everything

@Alligator Ed
when one person's exercise of freedom affects the safety of others. Is it OK for me to decide that I find the risks of driving while drunk acceptable?

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snoopydawg's picture

Steny Hoyer got the house physician to say that it is not safe for them to return just yet even though they all just did that to vote on the latest corporate give away. Nancy is still dragging her feet on setting up remote voting because... reasons of course. She has been seen roaming the halls with her masks matching her attire. How chick huh?

However the senate is in session as far as I know. The WH is working and holding daily press conferences, but oh no the house just can't do it.

BTW Trump has been floating giving companies immunity from lawsuits if their workers get sick after being called back to work and they are faced with the choice of going or losing their unemployment benefits. Now McConnell is saying that the immunity is a must pass bill if we are going to get the country running again. Never mind how many workers at the meat processing plants are getting sick and dying because they had no PPE. Or how the IRS is telling people to get back to work, but will not provide them with masks or other PPE. It will be mandated that they have to wear masks so they have to buy their own or make them.

Raggedy Anne's mental graphic is spot on. Here is another one. We don't care if you die. Corporations are way more important to us than your lowly lives. So get one and quit demanding that we help you in any way.

11 users have voted.

Putin isn’t going to make you homeless or kill you or deny you health care.
Your government will allow it to happen though.

snoopydawg's picture

'No Consequences for Negligence That Kills': McConnell Wants Corporate Immunity From Covid-19 Lawsuits

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is demanding that Congress use the next Covid-19 stimulus bill to shield corporations from legal responsibility for workers who contract the novel coronavirus on the job, throwing his support behind a proposal pushed in recent weeks by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other right-wing organizations.

The Kentucky Republican said in a statement Monday that companies could be hit with "years of endless lawsuits" if Congress doesn't provide employers with liability protections as states begin reopening their economies.
In a Monday interview on Fox News Radio on the heels of his statement, McConnell said he considers liability protections for companies a non-negotiable demand for the next coronavirus stimulus legislation. Progressives are calling for a package that provides more protections for frontline workers and the unemployed.

"That's going to be my red line," McConnell said. "Trial lawyers are sharpening their pencils to come after healthcare providers and businesses, arguing that somehow the decision they made with regard to reopening adversely affected the health of someone else."

Wow a red line that is nonnegotiable? Funny how Nance couldn't hold out on her own red line to roll back the SALT tax for her rich friends. Oh well maybe she can get that done when she pressures the house to go along with Mitch. I am sure AOC and Bernie will give an impassioned speech against it, but not put a hold on it like I know one person in the senate can since we watched the republicans doing it all through O's tenure. But moving on..

But Shirley Schumer will not go along with this will he?

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) called McConnell's demand for corporate immunity "subterfuge" in an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning, but did not rule out the proposal as part of a broader relief package.


This ‘modest proposal’ is straight out of the Robber Baron playbook.


Irresponsible and Unethical': IRS Calls 10,000 Employees Back to Work But Will Not Provide Protective Equipment

7 users have voted.

Putin isn’t going to make you homeless or kill you or deny you health care.
Your government will allow it to happen though.