The Rule of the Complete Fool (CNU Lecture Series)

Cascadia National University Lecture Hall, February 2518

Good morning. Please use the handrails installed on the side of the stairs, use every step on your way to your seats and ensure that you do not encroach on the space of your neighbor. I want to warn you that this lecture may contain information you are not comfortable hearing, and therefore if you have any special concerns please address them now.

The Rise of the Tribes (CNU Lecture Series)

Cascadia National University, Lecture Hall, January 2518

So, today we're going to delve a little more into the Fall of the American Empire, because when one talks about how an empire falls, it can be easy to ignore the forest for the trees. Even that phrase had less connotations to an American than it does to us, for example.

Trump The Mad (CNU Lecture)

Cascadia Lecture Hall, January, 2518

Morning folks. Sorry about the temporary hiatus. Unfortunately Family issues became extremely important, and as everybody knows, if your own house isn't in order, you really can't do anything out and about in the world. Now that things have calmed down a bit, we can get back to the subject which everybody's been waiting for quite patiently.

So, today we'll discuss Trump The Mad.

Magic will not solve your problems (Post-Industrial Tale)

I speak of the days of old, when men were like gods and yet felt they deserved more. I tell the tale of the days when the magic of the soul phones was everywhere and wizards were as common as people. Even children wielded magic, and its power to distract, amuse and control were within the hands of all.


The American Legal System, Conclusion

(Cascadian National University, Odeon, Special Saturday Lecture.)


Good morning on this bleak and windy day, where the rain pours incessantly and each and every one of us fears to look up and check that that is indeed rain pouring on our heads.

American Philosophers

(Cascadian National University, Lecture Hall)


Morning to all, and I hope you're all looking forward to the baking and candymaking. About four years ago, my kid made a merryberry candy shell that we poured over some imported chocolate, and it was incredible. I think we had half the city show up at the big house to enjoy it.

American Mythology

(Cascadian National University, Lecture Hall)


Good morning again to everyone. Thanks to those who've taken their own time to catch up our new students. Don't worry, I am not going to make you come up here and introduce yourselves, like some of the more traditional professors. Unless you want to of course? No? Never mind then.

The Fall of the American Empire

(Cascadian National University, Lecture Hall. Full House)


Schadenfreude is a word that we borrow from the Germans. It's a delight in the suffering of others, and an ability to find joy in the deserved pain of the guilty. The fall of the American Empire is indeed a story rife with it, and it all starts with the Empire at its height.
