#2016 #Jill Stein # Green Party

Jill Stein Raising Money For Recount In 3 Battleground States

I guess the Green Party finds nothing more worthy of their attention than trying to elect Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. It's Her Turn and even Dr. Jill Stein knows it. This makes me glad I didn't waste any time or money on the Green Party.

The 2016 election results for three states are in doubt, and an effort led by Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein is raising millions of dollars for a vote recount.

Long Distance Information,,,

Thought I might try the direct approach. Would be awesome, no?


Dr, Stein-
All is not lost. Many now look for a new home. The Democratic Party is dead to us.
But why do so many reject the Green Party as well? Would you:

1. go to caucus99. see how the Green Party is regarded there.

Jill Stein and the Green Party--Election Results

It was a disappointing election for supporters of the only party and the only candidate who supported most of what Bernie Sanders supported. Jill Stein and the Green Party definitely did better than in 2012, but still fell far short of the gold 5% popular vote level, and even the silver 3% popular vote level that would have done wonders for this third party.

Still, there is some really good news, so please read on!

Green Party Is Not A Protest/Vanity Vote. (w/ Jimmy Dore video)

Alternate title: 'Lesser Of Two Evils' Voters, Are They Out Of Their Freaking Minds?!

The US is doomed unless people wake the fuck up. Neither Dems or Repubs are on your side if you are working class -- that's just a fact. But the 'Lesser Of Two Evils' voters, are going to vote for one of them, because they think it will be marginally less awful. But Hillary and the Donald are both Neo-liberals who will continue rigging the system against you. And the Libertarian Party is Neo-liberal too with a little sugar on top (like legalizing Pot, etc).

Jimmy Dore: Thinking "Greens Can't Win" is a Self Fulfilling Prophecy.

Jimmy Dore and his guests debate this age old conundrum. The first 3 minutes lays out Jimmy's argument for voting Green and why voting Lesser Evils is simply shooting yourself in the foot. But the subsequent debate with one of his "Lesser Evil" guests is quite good as well. Those of you still thinking you need to vote for Hillary to save us all from Trump, you might want to watch this video. Jimmy really whacks the Neoliberal Dems for what they have done under Bill Clinton and Obama. And why Hillary has already proven that she will be as bad, but more likely worse than Trump.