west virginia

"They may want to think twice about arming teachers.”

The phrase being used by teachers in West Virginia is "Remember in November". Their objective was to get revenge on the Republican politicians who opposed their demands during the strike.
However, Tuesday was primary day, and some teachers didn't have to wait that long.

DoE Secretary in West Virginia

Secretary of Education John B. King, Jr. answered reporter's questions yesterday during a trip to Charleston, WV.

The Gazette-Mail asked him how serious the Education Department would be in denying the funding for school systems that deny transgender students access — if the guidance King’s department has issued, based on its legal interpretations, ultimately survives a Texas federal judge’s nationwide, preliminary injunction blocking it.

I'm Back! Alpha's Primary watchers live blog for W.V. & Nebraska

Hi guys!

Sorry I missed the last one, with family in town I haven't had a second to do anything but clean and entertain, lol!

I sent them all off to Disney Land as present for my wife's graduatio, for a few days of a quite house for me, and of course, to allow me to able to hang with my C99P Peeps for tonight's primary. Smile

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Not the Church! Not the State! Women Must Decide Their Fates! Redux ad nauseum ... by NY Brit Expat

"Last I checked, we don’t have a rubber shortage in America. Look, when I was in college, we had a machine in the bathroom, you put 50 cents in and voila.

Hellraisers Journal: "Mother Jones & Her Methods -Personality & Power of This Aged Woman"

I want you to see yourselves as you are, brothers and sisters,
and to think if it is not time you took pity
on yourselves and upon each other.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday March 21, 1906
From The Boston Herald Archives: Report from 1904 on Mother Jones in West Virginia

The correspondent who travelled recently to West Virginia with Mother Jones, and whose report of that trip was featured in yesterday's edition of Hellraisers, has reminded us of a similar report which was published in the Boston Herald's "Sunday Herald" of September 11, 1904. Hellraisers will republish that entire article over the next few days, beginning today with part one:

Mother Jones, Boston Herald, Sept 11, 1904.png

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Travels West Virginia with Her Old Black Bag

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday March 20, 1906
New York, New York - A Reporter Tells of Travels with Mother Jones in West Virginia

Mother Jones, Miners Angel .jpg

From New York City, a reporter describes, for the Pittsburgh Evening Leader of Kansas, a journey with Mother Jones throughout West Virginia. The reporter describes a similar journey with Mother in 1901, back before Mother's break with John Mitchell, while she was still employed as an organizer for the United Mine Workers. Who sponsored this trip, the reporter does not say, nor is the identity of the reporter revealed, but what is made obvious is the love of the coal miners and their wives for Mother Jones, the Miners' Angel.