Weight loss

Food as Medicine

Most of us (way too many of us at least) live on the world's crappiest diet. It's called the Standard American Diet, or SAD. It consists of a preponderance of carbohydrates, sugars, processed foods and unhealthy fats. We also commonly eat three main meals a day and snack in between. In terms of what it is doing to our bodies, this is suicide on the installment plan.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/4/16: Physical Disabilities, Exercise and Weight Loss

This has always been a tough topic for me, especially the weight loss. I've always been the husky kid with the big belly and my weight was always up and down. In recent years though...well, I'm 255 pounds. Up until a few years ago I managed to keep my weight between 200 and 215 (I'm around 6 feet tall). This probably doesn't help with my physical problems that I've had since I was very young. I gained all the weight in my stomach which probably escalates my back problems.