weekly watch

The Weekly Watch

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It Ain't Gonna Get No Better, Cuz

The twins' cousin would always respond to political or economic complaints with the response, "It ain't gonna get no better, Cuz". And sure enough, I don't think it will. Biden will fulfill another local saying IMO, "it's better than it was when it was so bad". Unfortunately it won't be good, just less bad (maybe). This piece lays the situation out well.

There is an intense effort in the Democratic Party-aligned media to present the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as a fundamental turning point in American politics.

No doubt there is immense relief among millions in the US and around the world to see the fascist Trump leave Washington, two weeks after he spurred on an insurrection aimed at stopping the congressional certification of Biden’s victory.

But with the transfer of the White House from the Republicans to the Democrats, it is necessary to counter illusions about what this government will or even can do. Its actions will be determined by the interests of the ruling class under conditions of an unprecedented social, economic and global crisis. However, efforts are underway to chloroform the public about the realities of the procapitalist, imperialist politics of the Biden administration and the catastrophic economic and social conditions under which it begins.

...and the empire keeps rolling along

The Weekly Watch

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Failed Strategies

I personally think the impeachment is foolish. Somewhere between 30 and 40% of Americans are Trumpeteers. How will they react to the Drumpster being de-platformed and impeached? My guess is not well. Just as the US doesn't support the election of people who we don't approve (because they won't allow US corporate rule)...from Evo Morales to Maduro...we don't believe in our own citizenry to reject Trump at the polling booth. So cheer on the corporate censorship...except you might be next. Just as these same folks cheered the banning of Alex Jones...but that led to the censorship of many voices on the left...and certainly their de-moneyfication and loss of revenue. Krystal and Saagar think son of a Mitch is playing the dim(wit)s yet again. They may be right.

Is This McConnell’s Evil Genius Impeachment Plan? (8 min)

The Weekly Watch

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Incompetence are U.S.

Some combination of intention, greed, and buffoonery is at the root of this nation's inability to deal with the current rash of pressing problems. From COVID to forever wars to ecosystem destruction to our sick care system to disputed elections and the transfer of power...almost every dimension of national interests look very much like failure. The headless empire dances not knowing it is dead. Unemployment is at record highs, small business closure topping the charts, 4000 US citizens a day dying of COVID, the Capitol invaded to thwart an election,...and the stock market reaches record highs. Pretty obvious to see where the priorities lay.

And in the End...

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The Weekly Watch

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Wealth Not Health

The US health system operates for profit. As a result, the US COVID response has been an utter failure. The goal has been ever more profit, not preventing the spread of the virus and protecting people. From selling and exporting record amounts PPE last winter while telling citizens they don't need masks to insisting on developing our own test (for big pharmas sake) delaying testing in the US for months. By contrast Thailand ginned up their tests within hours, and now have a rapid test. US lockdowns were started too late to be really effective and the rapid re-opening once profits were impacted expanded the spread. However, what bothers me the most is the lack of simple preventative recommendations like taking vitamin D.

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The Weekly Watch

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Revolutions, Resolutions, and Resilience

Another revolution around the sun. Time to take stock and plan for next year. Looking forward and back like the namesake of the upcoming month. We got in our seed order last week. I expect dwindling supplies, so you might want to put in your seed order as well. One of my resolutions for next year is to do a better job keeping seed from my heirloom plant varieties. I've ordered some more American Chestnuts to plant, and plan to get some elderberry and mulberry trees in this winter too. We're spending way too much time cooped up inside and it is reflected in our poor health. (h/t Magi). “There was a study of more than 7,300 [COVID] cases in China, and guess how many people caught the disease outdoors?” Leung asks. “Just two.” Being outside in nature is curative on many levels.


The Weekly Watch

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The Longest Night

It is darkest before the dawn. Tomorrow is the winter solstice, the longest night here in the north. Light and day length begin their slow growth this week until the summer solstice in June. Throughout human history the solstice has marked time and been celebrated. This year there's an additional show in the night sky...https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/great-jupiter-saturn-conjuncti...

In December, just as Jupiter and Saturn are nearly at their closest, the young moon will sweep past them. From December 16-25, 2020, the 2 will be separated by less than a full-moon diameter, just as the crescent moon is passing close. Jupiter will appear brighter, outshining Saturn by 12 times. Saturn is respectably bright, though, shining as brilliantly as a 1st-magnitude star.

Some say the conjunction of these planets on the solstice marks the beginning of a new Age of Aquarius. Despite the ravages of COVID, the Earth has made another revolution around the sun. Another year comes to an end, and what a long strange trip it has been. I'm more than ready for a new age...

The Weekly Watch

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Never Admit Defeat
Nor a Mistake

I once had a boss who said you should never admit a mistake because it makes you look weak. Whaaat? How can you learn if you don't recognize (and admit) failure? Seems to me that denying your mistakes is the weakness. I didn't work with him for long. I like the line in Joni's "Woodstock", But you know life is for learning. Mistakes, failures, defeats are part of the process, part of life. They should be embraced so that you grow and improve. I guess you can imagine what brought this to mind...our ole buddy, Trumpolini. But this week I really want to focus on my learning path in the garden...mistakes and improvements. I wrote a comment this week about the systemic system we've created with our greed for profit. I used my agricultural education as an example. I was taught fertilizer rates, herbicide use, animal feeding, depreciation and profit...not permaculture nor ecological farming. I was offered a lucrative job as a farm chemical rep upon graduation, but I took a low paying research position instead. It took years for me to learn to garden without chemicals, plowing, and constant weeding....production for pleasure not profit.

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The Weekly Watch

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Freeze Tag

This week brought our first freeze of the season. We fared better than most staying in the 20's when many dropped into the teens. We had the lettuce covered with two layers of row cover, so it lives on. We sometimes manage to keep it going all winter. The cabbage, broccoli, greens and such almost always over winter here. However, we sometimes get single digit temps which zap almost everything in the garden. It has been unusually dry this season after an unusually wet summer. The climate is obviously in flux, but we've been in a sweet spot...this year. The only choice is to take it day by day and adapt as well as possible. Same thing with our economic, political, and social future. The instability of those systems have been roiled by the COVID pandemic and how it falls out is anyone's guess, but from where I'm sitting it doesn't look good. Perhaps in crisis there is opportunity.


What headlines do you want to see repeated over and over again?

The Weekly Watch

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Skipping Through the Holidays

For decades we've gone down to Birmingham to spend holidays with both of our families, but not this year...just phone calls. COVID is spreading rampantly and holiday gatherings WILL drive the spread. Vaccines appear to be on the horizon, and perhaps that will be the light at the end of the tunnel. The accompanying economic collapse will be more difficult to overcome quickly. I feel for all those who lost their job or business and as a result their health care...or worse yet, lost their home in the middle of a pandemic. Comparatively we're doing great... we're still eating well from our Thanksgiving leftovers, and the garden is still productive though the weather has shifted to wet and cold. It is hard to believe that it is time to start planning the spring and summer garden, inventorying the seeds we have, and ordering seed we need. Looks like limited supplies this year. Despite the situation we've got a full plate...


The Weekly Watch

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Giving Thanks

There is good and bad with most things. The myth of Thanksgiving which first nations peoples describe as a “National Day of Mourning” is the bad part. The better part of the holiday (IMO) springs from the intent to be thankful for the good we can find around us. Many studies indicate gratitude leads humans to be happier and healthier.

“Gratitude is good medicine,” says Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and author of The Little Book of Gratitude.
“Clinical trials indicate that the practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life. It can lower blood pressure and improve immune function. ... Grateful people engage in more exercise, have better dietary behaviors, are less likely to smoke and abuse alcohol and have higher rates of medication adherence.”

