
9-11 - The day America stepped through the looking glass

Anniversaries are for remembering. And what I remember about 911 was that it was the day the US public lost its mind. It is dizzying to look back at all the lies the public has been presented with, and largely swallowed, over the last 17 years. It is disheartening to read polls showing that, most of the time, most of the public buys these lies. I thought it would be simple to just list all the lies. But, when I tried, the list got so long I had to get picky.

Overcoming the Culture of Fear

Franklin D. Roosevelt at his first inaugural address encouraged Americans to stand up to that “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
It may have taken a few more generations, but America finally lost the war against that “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror".