OMG! The RUSSIANS are a THREAT to us with all their hacking stuff!
Submitted by James Kroeger on Fri, 12/16/2016 - 8:08pm
Note: following DallasDoc's example, I thought I'd publish this here before doing so at Dailykos, which was my original intention. Yes, I published an earlier version of this argument here back in October.
Are we talking about acts of war?
Should America launch retaliatory measures?
(Head shaking…)
Enough of all this hysterical arm-waving, warmongers. In what may be a completely futile effort (given the current makeup of the Dailykos community), I want to offer a voice of Sanity and Reason to counter all of the jingoistic rhetoric we’ve been hearing lately.
For the sake of argument, let’s just go ahead and assume the worst-case-scenario that the warmongers are advancing---that Russian government employees did the hacking at Putin’s direction.