
Disability Caucus 7/26/16: "Get a Job or Start Your Own Business!!!!111!"

When I argue with some people online, these are two of the responses I get with regards to employment or disabilities. Then there's the classic "Stop using your disabilities as your excuse!!!!111!"(Yeah, let's see these assholes live a day in the life of someone with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy and the physical problems that go with it and say that.) There are problems with all of these.

Disability Caucus 7/9/16: Family Stuff and the Stress of Work/No Work

At this point in time I've basically decided that even though I'm still looking for work, worrying about whether or not I have a job just isn't worth the stress. That, and truth be told, I'm tired of being pissed off all the time. So I'll just be happy with my marriage instead because the wife doesn't seem to care whether or not I'm working.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/1/16: Trying to Be Included in a System That Wants No Part of You

Most of us who have disabilities live on fixed incomes of some sort. And I'm willing to bet many of those same folks tried to do as I have: Got college degrees, tried to find work and at the end of the day, none of it really ever worked out. I honestly haven't had a single interview in almost 3 years. Maybe it's more than that now. Frankly I'm at the point where I no longer give a damn and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Hellraisers Journal: Strain, overwork, and poverty sending millions of American workers to early graves.

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Friday April 21, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: Public Health and Poverty

Weak for want of food, Hine, 1912.png
Weak for want of food, by Lewis Hine.

Unemployed Councils and Eviction Riots

It was the morning of January 22, 1932, in a quiet, middle-class neighborhood of the Bronx. A crowd was gathering in front of 2302 Olinville Avenue, near the Bronx Park.
City Marshals and Police had moved in to evict 17 tenants who were on a "rent strike". A crowd of 4,000 had gathered nearby.
