
When I poked the Hillbot hornet's nest

I'm going to post this on Orange State just to get a reaction.

One thing all liberals can agree on is that the Syrian Kurds are the good guys, and the jihadist terrorists in Syria are the bad guys.
So when Turkey and their jihadist allies launched a full-scale assault on our Syrian Kurdish allies, you would think that Washington would be outraged.

WTF is going on with U.S.-Turkey relations?

I'm no fan of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, but at the same time I also recognize the strategic position Turkey occupies in the world. Erdogan is a dictator, but at the same time you don't destroy relations with a NATO ally for vague and mysterious reasons.
Yet, that appears to be exactly where things are heading.

Turkish referendum on death penalty likely

From the Frankfurter Allgemeine

F.A.Z. exklusiv
Türkische Regierung erwägt Referendum über Todesstrafe
In einem Interview mit der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung" hat der türkische Außenminister Mevlüt Cavusoglu über die Möglichkeit einer Rückkehr zur Todesstrafe in seinem Land gesprochen. Ein Referendum könnte entscheiden.

Turkish government considers holding a referendum on the restoration of the death penalty.
