#TrumpImpeachment 2.0
Submitted by wendy davis on Mon, 02/01/2021 - 12:07pmO, what a train wreck this is bound to be! What this nation absolutely needs just now is further divisiveness, as AOC calls for more funding to deprogram white supremacists and other D-related woke McCarthyite blacklists, MAGA-voters re-education camps and such. Never mind Joe Biden’s supremely dubious record on Black Civil Rights resembles…white supremacy. But hey, he’s assembled a most diverse cabinet of neo-cons and warmongers, and desires to Unify the Nation! Sure, he and Ms. Pelosi want help from Republicans to further their own stated agendas, but Trump must be held accountable!
Will it further piss off the 74,000,000+ Trump voters, some 9 million of whom had voted for President Wall Street and War, Inc. Obomba in 2012? No, the working class was sold out wholesale by that Nobel Peace Prize recipient weren’t we?
Will those of us who’d like to make Common Cause with some MAGA voters be able to after this already Domed to Fail debacle? I’d needed to Bingle for what’s been up with the Impeachment and had found these facts at a couple different sites: