
Hillary's Speech Yesterday in Florida Sounded Like Bernie, but

I found Hillary's speech yesterday interesting in that she sounded very much like Bernie Sanders in some ways. Of particular interest was the section of her speech where she lambasted wall street and the bankers and promised to rain them in and tax them properly.

Clinton's Listening Tour

I just about pasted an excellent recipe for strawberry-rhubarb cobbler and let that fly. But I really want to draw attention to this article at CNBC. It is a recitation of the volume, number and amounts of contributions that the Clinton machine have taken in over the past few years.

Between her time as SOS and time as candidate, she was being paid to participate in a listening tour for the .01%.

Cephalopods of the world unite, reject neoliberalism, hope to find transcripts


Fuck this shit.

Inky may not be mad as hell, but he's not going to take being held in the dark from life's mysteries anymore.

An octopus has made a brazen escape from the national aquarium in New Zealand by breaking out of its tank, slithering down a 50-metre drainpipe and disappearing into the sea.