
Republicans' Titanic sinks; Democrats offer rowboat for survivors

First off, I would like to thank my inspiration for this article or essay or rant, whatever to the following:

1. CS in AZ whose post about Ryancare (AKA Trumpcare, AKA Death panels for the sick) provided the primary inspiration.

Democrats: are they finally realizing they are on the Titanic?

Should I give you the short answer, or will you have to read through this, or do you already know? A considerable constituency of our community believe that the Blue Party is beyond resuscitation, to which faction I also belong. Why? They are the party of Hillary Clinton. They are the party of No Changes Needed Nancy. They are the party of NotTrump. They are the party of no issues, other than to get re-elected, even if it means to lie, cheat and steal. I could go on but won't.