Thomas Flynn

Hellraisers Journal: How Capitalists' Gunmen Broke Loose in Youngstown, Three Rebel Workers Dead

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday February 2, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: A Report on the Youngstown Massacre

This month's edition of the Review offers an overview of the Youngstown Massacre:

Youngstown Steel Strike of 1915-16, Capitalist Violence, ISR Feb 1916.png

Capitalist Violence at Youngstown


A GANG of gunmen broke loose in Youngstown, Ohio, on the night of January 7. When they got through with the paid job they came to Youngstown to do, three union workingmen were dead, twenty more labor rebels had bullet wounds on their bodies, and somewhere over $1,000,000 worth of property lay smoking in ruins.

Not a life was lost nor a bullet gash received by the enemies of labor, according to reports so far arriving. Of the $1,000,000 and more property destroyed practically all was owned by somebody else than the big steel sheet and tube works, whose workers were on strike.

Look at it. Three working class rebels are dead, murdered by hired gunmen. Who paid the gunmen and where did they come from and what were their orders? Nobody is telling. The one certainty is the dead are dead.

Hellraisers Journal: East Youngstown Steel Strike Settled, Offer of 10% Wage Increase Accepted

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Friday January 14, 1916
East Youngstown, Ohio - Steel Strike Settled with 10 Percent Wage Increase

From the January 12th edition of the Decatur Herald of Illinois:


Men Vote to Accept Company's Offer
of 10 Per Cent Increase in Wages
and to Return.
Grand Jury Investigates Trouble and Calls
Employers and Union Leaders.
Youngstown Steel Strike, Ruins, The Decatur Herald, IL, Jan 12, 1916.png
Militia patrolling burned district.