
Commenter more than essayist

Hi some know me, others are not familiar with me, but I do comment at times, and I have bouts where I stay silent and lurk. My health is poor, and shot, and I do look at what I can to see how things are shaping up past my computer, in a double-wide these days, on a hill, in the middle of East Bum-F$%#. Please bear with me, I did warn I am in a biting mood as seen by my most recent comments in some of your essays. I also rarely will pull a punch.

Cheaters! Let's talk about tax-paying inequality

This is not exactly news, but it is nice to see a fellow over at CounterPunch quantifying tax cheating.
Here's the key passage:

"How much of this tax cheating involves big-time business people and how much involves mom-and-pop business operators? The IRS doesn’t say. The agency doesn’t break down the new tax evasion data by taxpayer income class.

But eight years ago, economists Andrew Johns and Joel Slemrod went through earlier IRS raw data and did just that.
