
Bernie's emails go into my spam basket.

A tisket, a tasket, my Big Blue Basket. Oh, for the not so distant days when Bernie's half haired, half-shiny pate inspired confidence in those of us, who having the sole political aim of doing right by the people were attracted to the Star of Bernie. His luminosity enlivened those of us bereft of hope (and/or change). With his shining illumination, we could not help but enter a new golden age of civic virtue. But a detour occurred along the way.

Open Thread - Friday, January 1, 201<del>5</del>6

Happy New Year! A couple of the recent threads got me thinking about some people's reality. Particularly the end timers and their infiltration of the religious, media and political complexes.

The road of violence and hatred does not resolve humanity's problems. And using the name of God to justify this road is blasphemy. ~ Pope Francis ~