
If a picture is worth 1000 words...

My recent absence from c99 is due to emotional overload due to the ongoing filth of the HRC steamroller. It has taken several days of abstention from the media to allow me once again ability to resume communication on matters political.

If a picture is worth 1000 words, then a song may be worth 1,000,000 words. Music is the universal language. It can convey more emotion than words and pictures combined.

Here's your Thusday OT

So much information and noise that we all take in. Hard to sort it out. I listen to a local community radio station called KBOO here in Oregon every night while I cook. I have listened to it for years and it has gone through many changes. It carries Democracy Now and a lot of local as well as syndicated lefty? shows. I have noticed that it is more and more taking on the sound and some of the pov of NPR which is the next station on my local dial.