
Single-Payer and the Constitution

Is national health insurance Constitutional? It's an issue we supporters of single-payer need to take seriously because our opponents will almost certainly argue that it is not in an attempt to prevent passage and will also challenge the Medicare for All Act on constitutional grounds when it becomes law.

An Indignant Rant About Milquetoast 'Centrist' Right-wing Enablers

It's about 8 months after the electoral college handed Dipshit Dumpsterfire Trump the presidency (With the help of Hillary Clinton and the DNC) and the Democratic Party is still whining. Yet for all that whining, they can't seem to shake the very tactics, non-policies and toxic identity politics that led to their loss to begin with.

Democrats Against Universal Health Care

The failure of Trumpcare might cause you to think that Democrats might use the chaos to push for single-payer health care.
You would be wrong.
It's past time to stop blaming Republicans for the fact that we are the only developed nation without universal health care. The problem is the Democrats.