Burns, Episode 6 - Phoenix Program, what Phoenix Program? (UPDATE2: protestors)

Episode 6 continues the complete disappearence of the CIA from Viet Nam. There is also an almost complete minimization of the technological advantage the US had, via "electronic battlefield" programs, such as Arc Light B-52 strikes. To hear Mr. Burns's version it was merely our guys with machine guns and artillery and ordinary close air support versus VC/NVA guys with their machine guns and artillery and anti-aircraft guns.

Talkin' 'bout a Revolution

Really, it's time. Even Bernie Sanders is talkin' 'bout a revolution. It's legal and not at all scary, though the government's though control police have been splitting skulls and worse for longer than anybody can remember in an attempt to keep the lid on. But, hell, they shoot and kill people just for being uppity, or insufficiently subservient, so there is no extra penalty involved in being out there.