Rigged Election

Why The Movement Should Protest At The Polls This Year

This election cycle offers an unparalleled opportunity for the movement to organize and cast off the yoke of the corporate duopoly that controls our election space. The behind-the-scenes nefarious actions that the parties use to control the elections have been more obvious than usual and have been brought to the public's attention repeatedly. The public seems more aware that the election process is not working as it should in the sort of democracy that the US tries to convince us we live in.

Awareness of the corruption of the process should be a great boon to bringing about demand and support for serious reforms from a broad segment of the public.

How the Granny with the Kool-Aid Bought Her Super Delegates

Remember kids, whatever you do--Don't drink the Kool-Aid!

Many people wonder how the Granny with the Kool-Aid managed to get so many super delegates, and so thoroughly buy the loyalty of not only the DNC, but many state Democratic parties. In particular many Berners have been dismayed to find that so many super delegates refuse to switch their vote to reflect their states overwhelming choice of Bernie.