Last Night
Here is what I observed:
While watching MSNBC, Chris Hayes announced that NBC and AP had declared Hillary Clinton the presumptive nominee.
The reason for the call was that 10 super delegates were identified by AP as having changed their minds from undecided to Hillary.
10 DNC insiders took an action to suppress the vote by notifying the press. This was a coordinated effort as 10 is the number needed for Hillary to exceed the required pledged/super delegate count AND they decided to take this action in prime time the night before the Tuesday primaries to insure maximum coverage. Hillary was right there with her phony shock and amazement exclaiming we have an election to win tomorrow - or whatever the fuck she mumbled.
I am a gambler and have a pretty good understanding of probability. The odds of this all coming together organically are not conceivable. This was a coordinated effort by Democratic Party important people (aka The Management) to influence their own primary and subvert the electorate.
I respect people that want to elect better Democrats and try to change the party from within. Bernie himself has seen this as a critical step in the revolution. But it ain't gonna happen !
The first rule in politics is cover your ass. The power structure within the party is firmly entrenched with people that have each others back and with a system of rules and administrative functions that deny outside meddlers. They have infested other public and private institutions to get special considerations to perpetuate their sphere of influence. This corruption is so deep, it cannot be dug out by the roots.

She still hasn't won a majority
Of the pledged delegates.
At this point it isn't likely that she *could*,
which is what this Coronation By Fiat is all about.
And by so blatantly, overtly pissing on the will of the People, she and her Queenmakers have guaranteed a revolt at the ballot box.
A crushing defeat in California would giver Her Majesty a nice black eye, even if it didn't "mean" anything according to the corporate ass-kissers who run the media. (She probably was going to lose California according to her insider pollings, so this bullshit was arranged to make California "not matter".)
And beyond California, well....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yeah, a nice middle finger
from the Clintons and the DNC. Why not wait until Wednesday for the 10 to "switch"? Instead a definite attempt to suppress turnout, when we've got an open Senate seat up for primary challenge plus all the House seats.
Just STFU and give us your money.
I'm sure the timing was pure coincidence
And if you claim otherwise, 100 David Brock infected kossacks will rush to hide rate you like the establishment Dems rushed to kiss Chris Christie's butt in the last NJ governor's race.
Oh wait. No flags? All they can do is sit in their own site and scream at you to "check your privilege!"?
Go Bernie in California! No need for Hillary's voters to come out now, right?
The cries to "Check your privilege" always made me laugh...
...out loud while reading them. I always wanted to respond by saying "Hey, asshole! What the fuck do you think I'm doing? I AM checking my privilege! Because I'm a white, upper-middle-class, prime-working-age man in America with a high-paying, full-benefits job in a growing industry, live in a two-income family, and I'm voting for the guy who's programs will do very little for me directly or immediately in order to give other people who have a fraction of what I have a shot at one day having what I have now! If that isn't checking my privilege well then, fuck YOU!" But I knew that it would be a total waste of time talking to the Democratic version of mindless Republican't tribalism...
I want my two dollars!
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
As to "checking our privilege" I'll defer to the math, i.e.
Hillary's net worth vs. Bernie's.
They're the ones supporting the candidate of privilege.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
The whole white privilege thing is sooooooo offensive
Especially when it's coming from people who populate a blog owned by a millionaire who calls white Bernie supporters privileged assholes AND whose demographic is basically WHITE MEN, UPPER INCOME, SKEWING OLDER and basically Professionals
The demographic of the GOS is the textbook. Description of the. Rey privilege these people accuse Bernie supporters of.
Seriously, I hope The GOS blog owner gets his ardent wish for his website and it does become a PoC only blog.
Because as the person who runs the daily HNV has repeated said over the last few weeks
what was it the HRC supporters used to call themselves. Party unity their ass?
they may well have finally achieved their 2008 goal.
Orwell was an optimist
It's meant to be offensive and to shut down discussion.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Which makes them... better than Donald Trump...
I want my two dollars!
Calling sanders supporters fucking white bernieBros isnt
Even THE most offensive thing, for me... What was the most offensive thing ON THE GOS was telling JEWS they are WHITE because they can "pass". OMG .... I think when I read that DK became a joke to me... A nasty partisan racially clueless JOKE. and every time I saw someone claim we will all come together to defeat trump and this is just "silly season". I thought.. Telling a JEW they are racist white bernieBros because they can PASS is as far from "silly" as it gets and it's offensive and highly ANTISEMETIC but don't say the word because you will be immediately attacked as a privileged white berniebro Hillary hater ....
Anyone know how to sing kumbaya in Yiddish
Orwell was an optimist
♪ ♫ Time to build a homeland for Palestinians too ♪ ♫
sung to the tune of “Hatikvah” . . .
If it did actually become a PoC blog
that addressed the very real problem of racism and white privilege in this country, then that would be a plus.
But the demo doesn't skew that way as you said -- it's predominantly white, upper middle to rich class, well educated. No room there for blue collar families, no matter how much they try to focus on labor issues.
And it's okay to denigrate Sanders supporters as "BernieBros", but just try to call Clinton supporters "HillGirls" or something similar.
There have been POC hypocrites there for years.
Unless they wrote their own diary, when other people who weren't POC wrote diaries of people on death row, trying to stay their execution with petitions, links, you name it, or someone wrongfully in jail, all people of color, "some" people were not to be found anywhere.
There are several cliques there, one in particular who are the most hypocritical.
Good riddance. Many thanks to c99.
Awesome-you got that memorized?
I was responding to Ken's comment. Sorry!
While Chris Mathews deflected everyone to 8 pm est tonight,
the Clintons stole Puerto Rico and claimed the nomination yesterday. I truly hate them as much as I ever hated George W. Bush. The Dem Party is every bit as bad as the GOP, and the Clintons are much worse than any person that ever held or ran for the presidency.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hard to hate anyone more than Bush, but
she is getting awfully close. It is sad that we may end up with a national election where both candidates should be in jail
I guess...
...We're all Brazilians now...
I want my two dollars!
Bush never sold himself as anything but what he was.
The Clinton's are TOTAL frauds double dealing everyone. They are much worse.
The Clintons soil everything they touch. Always have and always will.
I started hating them after
Ricky Ray Rector*
*Note the date on that posting; remember when that site used to give a damn about sh*t like this?
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Speaking of, you reminded me
of this, a little off topic, but related.
Lee Fang is also The Intercept journalist who was first to ask H. Clinton if she would release the transcripts of her paid speeches to Goldman Sachs, and got that whole conversation started. (She laughed.) He is a shining star among many at The Intercept.
Party Uber Alles
And since the Clintons essentially ARE the Democratic party, well...
I've actually read that some people are insulted
because other people are calling this a coronation. Oy.
I'm not sure they're worse than Aaron Burr,
but that's going back quite a ways indeed.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I suppose at some point I won't care
and nothing the Clinton's do will surprise me or even piss me off. But this isn't politics...this is corruption. It would be politics if they were subverting Republican turnout. But this is people rigging shit because they have the power to do so and diminish the importance of the powerless. They can't be bothered with what the voters have to say, so they silence them by any means necessary.
Excellent point about the perversity of Dem on Dem
voter suppression.
During the past year, the Democratic Party has devolved into a bunch of conniving, cheating liars who are so desperate to "win" they'll do/say anything. It's mind-boggling that they would simultaneously pull out all the stops to support one of the worst candidates ever while completely trashing someone who could truly transform our country -- or is at least willing to try.
I may not be able to wait until after the convention to switch back to Indie. Just knowing my name's out there somewhere with a D after it is making me a little nauseous.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
I'm conflicted. Do I change tomorrow or wait
until the day after the convention? Any thoughts?
I like the idea of a mass abandonment the day after
the super delegates vote for Hillary at the convention.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Perfect End to Democratic Primary...
Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Superdelegates Declare Winner Through Media
"This is the perfect symbolic ending to the Democratic Party primary: The nomination is consecrated by a media organization, on a day when nobody voted, based on secret discussions with anonymous establishment insiders and donors whose identities the media organization – incredibly – conceals. The decisive edifice of superdelegates is itself anti-democratic and inherently corrupt: designed to prevent actual voters from making choices that the party establishment dislikes. But for a party run by insiders and funded by corporate interests, it’s only fitting that their nomination process ends with such an ignominious, awkward and undemocratic sputter."
End of the Democratic Party
Change this:
To this: (remove the words primary and symbolic)
and we could have the headline story of this election in a nutshell.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
We should not be surprised, the media created Trump and they
will destroy him and elect Hillary and then they will start to tear Hillary up. It is all kabuki theater designed to keep up busy so they can steal the rest of the money. Naomi Klein identified this some time ago....we are being shocked repeatedly with outrages so we become numb to what they are doing.
I want to know the inside story
of how Bill asked Donald to run to distract everyone from Hillary's problems, and like Frankenstein's monster he became uncontrollable. I fully expect Trump to withdraw sometime after the convention with some sort of mysterious health issue, leaving the GOP in even more disarray than they already are and letting Hillary coast to victory. Probably in exchange for some cushy deal once Trump's mysteriously "recovered".
Yep, I believe he got in it for the attention and to boost his
brand. He's a show-off. A big blowhard. I'm trying to figure out how the Donald is going to get himself out of this jam he's gotten himself into. This is a guy who's spent his entire adult life cruising around, living like a prince, doing what he wants when he wants. Doesn't make sense that he's really looking forward to a full-time job, with lots of overtime, and not much compensation. It was a great way to get the attention that he craves and boost his brand but its not in his DNA to clean up his act and take on the hard work that the job requires.
It wasn't in Dubya's either, but he got 8 years
of goofing off and posing for photo-ops, while the real work of running the country (into the ground) was done by his VP.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
What goes up ...
... etc. etc.
Do you suppose that the Clintons and the DNC never imagined that their machinations would become public or that it would never matter because the thing was greased by the party's electoral structure?
Either way, they've done a lot of damage to the party's future and won't realize it for some time to come. In the meantime, if there's some young girl using Hillary for inspiration, I hope she turns out to be a vastly better person than her heroine ever was. We can't afford more Clintons in Dem politics. We've hit our quota and the rest is a messy clean-up.
CN I ask why you still watch msnbc? Or cnn for that matter?
I have no idea what chris Hayes or Rachal or Matthews et al Say because I stopped watching corp owned cable newz almost 2 months ago when I asked myself "do I care what any of these people say". And the answer was NO so I changed the channel for good.
Orwell was an optimist
Well, I need to understand what the "liberal media"
is conveying to my fellow patriots. /s
Actually, because Bernie is running as a Dem, I am interested in MSM and alternative news reporting. If Bernie was not running, I honestly wouldn't care about the elections of the two party system. This one will likely end exactly as I expected...but I have been more interested because I am a Dem Socialist from VT that has voted for Bernie since his first run for Congress.
Upvoted in recognition of a loyal Dem Socialist from VT!