Open Thread WE 28 APR 21
Submitted by QMS on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 6:30amIncarceration has devastating effects on individuals and families. It should not be a business.
Incarceration has devastating effects on individuals and families. It should not be a business.
NOTE: This essay is adapted from some experimental fiction I've been kicking around. No point in reccing this, it doesn't belong on the front page. But if you enjoy it (or if you don't) let me know in the comments. As always, thanks to anyone who takes the time.
Tuesday April 25, 1916
From The Masses: Frank Tannenbaum on Reforms at Blackwell's
Once upon a time various bleeding hearts tried to promote the idea that prisons weren't really merely punitive, or shouldn't be at any rate, nor mere retribution. Oh no, they expounded, they should be (and some of the more deluded claimed they actually were) rehabilitative. For a while there were efforts made to actually infuse a tiny slice of rehabilitative endeavors into our jails and prisons.