
Hellraisers Journal: Partial Settlement in New York City Garment Strike, Arrests Continue

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Saturday February 19, 1916
New York, New York - Agreements Reached in Needle Workers Strike But Arrests Continue

From the Pittsburgh Daily Post:

ILGWU, NY, March 1916.png

Agreement Signed by
Garment Workers

NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-An agreement was signed today which it is believed will end the needle workers' strike in this city. It is expected that a majority of the 40,000 strikers will return to work within a few days, although some of the independent manufacturers have not signed the agreement.

The principal features of the agreement provide for "a preferential union shop," a working week of six days, with an aggregate of not more than 49 hours, and a maximum overtime of four hours, and a provision that Mayor Mitchel's council of conciliation shall be the final court of resort on any differences which may arise.


Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Struggle & Socialism: The Day of the People Is Dawning.

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday January 24, 1906
From the Reading Times: Mother Jones Speaks to Large Gathering on Socialism

A large crowd gathered in Reading, Pennsylvania, Monday evening to hear Mother Jones speak. Tuesday's Reading Times reported the event:



Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR.png

The main room of the Court House was scarce large enough to accommodate the crowd of citizens who gathered there last evening to hear "Mother" Jones expound her theories of socialism. The meeting was held under the auspices of Local Reading, of the Socialist party, and, although the meeting was announced for 8 o'clock, half an hour before that time men and women began to gather and before the hour of opening, every seat in the auditorium was taken and as many were standing as could crowd into the aisles. The space within the bar was also filled with men and women.

As the clock struck the hour of 8, T. J. Netheary, who presided during the session, called the gathering to order and briefly stated the purpose of the meeting. He felt highly honored by so large and intelligent an audience having gathered to hear live issues discussed. The meeting, he said, was being held under the auspices of Socialists, who had met to give vent to the opinions held by millions of people today. Socialism is the same the world over, and represents the only philosophy which, if put into practice, will bring relief to down-trodden mankind. To attain liberty and freedom is the goal of all well thinking people. The only difference is in the method to reach this end. The Socialist is not a pessimist, but verily believes the dawn is coming and is striving heartily to hasten that day.

Hellraisers Journal: Living Conditions in Youngstown Were "So Rank They Couldn't Even Raise Babies."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday January 19, 1916
Chicago, Illinois - Report by George P West Exposes Conditions at Youngstown

From The Day Book of January 18th:

Youngstown Steel Strike, Day Book Headline, Jan 18, 1916.png

Interrupting the 1 percent's 5 Billion Dollar Spectacle - some thoughts about #BLM and progressives

As the brewhaha about #BLM interrupting Bernie, Hillary and now even Jeb has been going on, I've been thinking about #BLM's tactics and considering that it is time for the pr

Why The Fight Is Worth The Effort

This morning, while preparing breakfast, I noticed an elderly woman sifting through the trash bin behind my neighbor’s house. She wore a broad rimmed hat; her shoulders were stooped, her back bent, and when she walked it was easy to see she could only move with great difficulty.

I was dressed in P.J.s, and by the time I had finished dressing and made it outside to see if she needed help she had moved on. But I have replayed the scene inside my head all day.
