
Open Thread - Thurs 16 Jan 2025 - Placone Says It Perfectly

Placone Says It Perfectly

Ron Placone recently posted a farewell letter to Joe Biden. He says most everything I've been thinking perfectly, so I thought I'd post it here and let others have a read. He first writes about the good things Biden (or ByeDone Smile ) did: appointing Lina Khan, for instance, and finally delivering a net neutrality FCC after a 3 year wait. And that's about it... Ohh yea, there's the drilling ban he just instituted, which Trump'll overturn immediately. So that's another good thing! Right? And yet it's really just another fake positive act in our country's political theater; an act which means nothing in reality, no matter which 'side' does it.

Cartoon by Patrick Chappatte, 5 Dec 2024, from www.chappatte.com, for the Boston Globe.

Open Thread - Thurs 21 Mar 2024 - Third Parties

Third Parties

A bit over a month ago Ron Placone (comedian, movie maker, political blogger, writer, used to appear on the Jimmy Dore show, and much more) wrote a substack/blog post about why he was joining the Green Party. It's called 'Why I Chose to Green Enter'.

I found the blog post to be interesting and thought provoking and I think Placone did a very good job of explaining why, even though he's really a 'no party preference' type of voter, joining the Green Party makes sense to him at this point.

The Four Pillars of the Green Party from https://www.gp.org/4_pillars