How do you spell 'Rat Bastard'? O-R-R-I-N H-A-T-C-H
Submitted by Alligator Ed on Sun, 12/03/2017 - 9:29pmFall out from the Tax "Reform" Act of 2017 has already begun. The first mouth piece defending the defunding is a certified Raging Rodent, from the Beehive State (which will soon have to change it name, thanks Monsanto). Let me introduce you to a man dedicated to trickle down morality (a little of his "morality" trickles down his leg after each urinary discharge): O-R-R-I-N H-A-T-C-H
Here he is in all his hypocritical putrescence, O-R-R-I-N "I once was a janitor" H-A-T-C-H