The new normal

Normalizing the New Normal

This is an opinion piece. I have no proof other than my lying eyes. And my intuitive gut. I'll throw this out there as speculative fodder for the un-indoctrinated and open mind.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

I've been thinking for a while now that both sides of any given narrative are controlled.

Full Spectrum Dominance - Are we there yet?

Sure does seem like it to me. Please consider this:

Suppose you are a propagandist. Would it not be optimum to control both sides of a narrative? Both sides of an issue, pro and con. That would be total control, full spectrum dominance if you will. Could it be possible that our realities are so controlled that the idea of oppositional perception is but a facade? In today's world who knows what is real, right? With all the gaslighting and lying is it any wonder that folks are confused? Is that not the tenet of Full Spectrum Dominance?

I think that if you look you can see it in many issues nowadays, it may be subtle as is all good propaganda. The yin and yang may be manipulated into a soup of disinformation and obfuscation. Think about how you form your opinions, what you read, what you see, what you think about. If one could control that input then one could formulate your reality.



Elon Musk: Something just hasn't sit well with me about this Elon Musk and Twitter deal. It all seems contrived. I certainly don't consider him a hero as some have made him out to be. Could there be more to his Twitter acquisition than just his self proclaimed altruistic motivation. I'll put a theory out there and let you be the judge.


Open Thread - 08-26-22 - Schwabean Dreams are Made of These

I'm sitting here at my desk, Friday morning, unprepared and wondering what I am going to write about. I had a rough day yesterday mowing, trimming and pulling vines from a chain link fence which is always a great pleasure. If you've ever had to do that then you know about the exquisite jollification of intertwined vines and metal. The grass and all things green just took off with the recent long awaited rains here in east Texas. Today will be another day of mowing, 4 acres worth. It's good seeing green grass again.

Granma.jpgThrough the window I can see that damn squirrel on the bird feeder scarfing down all of the sunflower seeds again. It's a pesky little tree rat, as Fat Freddie would say, or was it Free Wheelin' Franklin? Invoking the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers always calms me. I wonder what those old boys would have to say about current affairs. Oh yeah, it would go something like "Weed will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no weed", or some such. It's that kind of philosophical wisdom that calms me, if you catch my drift.

I usually jump up and run outside and chase that fluffy tailed menace from the feeder, but you know what, it's just trying to survive like everything and everybody Grampa's_Car.jpgelse. So I'm going to take a pass today and leave the squirrel alone. I think that's a sentiment that we'd all like to see more of in our lives. Just leave us alone and let us manage our lives as we seem fit. But you know how those damned power hungry megalomaniac types are. They like to poop in people's boots, just like Fat Freddie's cat.

Speaking of megalomaniacs. Are you all getting as tired of this Klaus Schwab character as much as I am? Just who the hell does he think he is? (See what I did there)? Does he really think he can rule the world? Does he really think he can tamp down human spirit? Good luck with that Dr. Evil.

I wonder what Klaus dreams about at night?
