The Nation

Give It Up For Robert Scheer: Russian Red Herring Hysteria Is A Dangerous Farce, And The Warmongering Democrats Need To Be Called On It.

Not many have chanced to stick their neck up and yell above the corporate calliope of the Russian Red Herring Circus Show. Add Scheer to a very exclusive roll call of truthtellers.

I found this at Truthdig yesterday (published on the 11th). Here's a link to the full text, and then some blockquote excerpts:

Sick Day Open Thread

Hey, guys. I'm sick, and somewhat pudding-brained. The essay I planned to write deserves better thought than I can give it at this moment.

I made a comment yesterday that Gulfgal, Ellen, and Snapple BC thought was worth turning into an essay. I'm going to set it here for discussion. Hopefully, a more ordinary Open Thread will be on its way to you next Wednesday!

So what about a new political party (again)?

You may have caught the recent point counter point over at The Nation magazine, as regards whether its readers should or shouldn't vote Green. Joshua Holland's entry, "Your Vote for Jill Stein is a Wasted Vote," talks about the Green Party for several paragraphs before concluding with a rather contestable assumption: