
Beginning of the end for Monsanto AKA Monsatan AKA The World's Most Hated Corporation

Two local Democratic office holders came to my door to ask for signatures on their petitions to get on ballot. This is a biannual ritual, when the Democrats ask Working Families Party members for signatures. I freely admit I was deliberately rude, because I simply don't think these characters deserve the deference they usually receive.

"Let's see how this thing plays out"

A bold precedent has been set by our not-soon-enough-to-be-out-of-office-Corruptor in chief, also known as spineless Barry Obama. No, it's not "the Russians did it" which actually was initially promoted by Medusa, although Obomber has strongly taken up that battle cry with as much vengeance and malcontent as he can muster.

Washington State sues Monsanto over PCBs

When the Clinton cats are away, licking their wounds in Westchester, Democratic mice can play.

Everyone here does know that Herself is or was the biotech baby, right? As soon as she is no longer Head of the Party, look what happens.

But they teach it at university!

If you had asked me a year ago about geoengineering, I would not have known what it was. If you had asked me about chemtrails, I could've told you what they were but I would not have been convinced that they were really a thing. They seemed like one of those conspiracy theory subjects that were a vague cause for worry but not yet a proven problem.

Morning Greens Open Thread - September 8, 2015

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Aerial pictures reveal rampant illegal logging in Peru's Amazon forest

Only from the air is it possible to make out the scale of three illegal logging roads which have been carved into Peru’s eastern Amazon, while local authorities in the jungle Ucayali region seemingly turn a blind eye.

Huddled in a twin-engine Cessna 402, the Guardian saw as many as 20 lorries carrying tree trunks plying their way up and down three dirt roads, each estimated to measure up to 32 miles. Dotted by stockpiles of logs and workers’ camps, the roads led to barges on a dock on the Ucayali river, a major tributary of the Amazon, a few dozen miles from the regional capital Pucallpa.

Monsanto and the Monarch Butterlfy

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Monsanto Years
You never know what the future holds in the shallow soil of Monsanto, Monsanto
The moon is full and the seeds are sown while the farmer toils for Monsanto, Monsanto
When these seeds rise they're ready for the pesticide
And Roundup comes and brings the poison tide of Monsanto, Monsanto

Open Thread - Friday, June 12, 2015

Some food for thought.


Monsanto is one of the "Big 6" Biotech Corporations, along with BASF, Bayer, Dow Chemical Company, Dupont, and Syngenta (so called because they dominate the agricultural input market -- that is, they own the world’s seed, pesticide and biotechnology industries).[1][2]