Mark Warner

Mark Warner, another Demonratic pile of shit.

Sorry to stir up the fetid waters of the c99 swamp, but we, c99'ers, are insignificant compared to the huge Potomac Swamp, positioned in the Heart of Darkness, er, Washington, District of Corruption. Now, folks, as Obomber used to say, this is ugly, no matter how you look at it--even in the dark of night. So, while I might later compose some stuff about our Californicated Respresentive Trash, such as Rep. Swalwell (rhymes with "doesn't smell well"). today I shall sing the praises?

US Senate Greasing Skids for Next Bank Crash

Lehman Brothers 1850-2008 (AP Images)

On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate voted to begin floor debate on a bill (S. 2155) that would weaken regulations of banks, large and small, and grease the skids for the next bank crash. After the severe bank crash of 2008, in order to guard against future such crashes, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank law, which enacted the regulations the bill would now weaken. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scored the bill for budget costs, and figured $671 million over ten years. But the CBO said its estimate was "subject to considerable uncertainty" due to a "slightly greater" "probability in any year that a systemically important financial institution (SIFI) will fail or that there will be a financial crisis." However, in 2008, we saw what some of the real cost to the country could be: $821 billion to the federal government, plus $3.4 trillion in real estate wealth and 5.5 million jobs lost.

Democrats Side With The Fascists. Again.


The fascists, in this case, are payday lenders. Payday lenders exist because of the simple fact that the American capitalists outright refuse to pay a living wage. After all, a living wage would put these loan sharks out of business.

The DK argument to end them all.

I just had the Daily Kos conversation to end them all. Quite literally possibly, I may get banned at some point. It was sad, amusing, and tragic all at the same time.

It started about Mark Warner, a Democrat who has taken the position that to save the country from becoming a walled off series of slums, we must cut back social security and further cut corporate taxes. Yay. Someone defended him because he said that Warner wasn't saying he wanted walled off slums.