Mainstream Media

Open Thread - 08-23-24 - The Rub

What result would you expect from the nexus of big money and the mainstream media in our electoral process? Big money invests in protecting big money and the media invests in making big money for the media. Big money seems to be the common denominator on this grease slickened mobius strip of an election process, wouldn't you say?

Would this current circus of an election not be the natural evolutionary point of that amalgamation of greed, deceit and avarice?


Wikileaks/Manning revelations treated with Respect by MSM in 2010

Examples of mainstream media coverage of Wikileaks and Manning releases of information are seen here in CNN and ABCNews 2010 reports on U.S. private contractors paying the Taliban for safe passage on supply roads.

Meet the Press et al are State Propaganda Shows

I had an epiphany this morning. Well, not really an epiphany, more like an affirmation. It's certainly not something I've not known for a very long time. But it was kind of an epiphany in that my experience had a certain sudden clearness to it and an "insight into reality caused by a commonplace occurrence".

Or maybe I just want to say something.