living wage

Student Loan Payments change for new year. Otherchanges: Basic Economics of Services Trade - Important. Change Effects 80% of the economy

1.)Federal student loan payments resume in 2022
The pause on federal student loans is currently set to expire Jan 31.

The Tech Revolution Needs Us

Technology is terrific. Technology is terrible. Or, in a mashup of Dickens with current norms of ahistorical, absolutist proclamations: these are the best of times; these are the worst of times. More accurately, as ecologists have long told us, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Technology is great, but we still gotta eat.

Thanks technology

Hellraisers Journal: Report on Chicago Garment Workers Strike from International Socialist Review

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Friday December 10, 1915
From the International Socialist Review: Report from Chicago Garment Strike
We Shall Fight Until We Win, ISR, Nov 1915, Chicago ACW Strike.png

The strike of the Chicago garment workers which began at the end of September is now in its eleventh week. The Amalgamated Clothing Workers remain firm in their intention to continue the battle to a successful conclusion. The Day Book is collecting funds to assist the strikers, and the Chicago Federation of Labor stands with the strikers despite the fact that A. C. W. of A. is not a member of the C. F of L. nor of the A. F. of L.

The December issue of the International Socialist Review includes an article by Leslie Marcy on the strike which tells of mass arrests of strikers at the hands of a corrupt police department, and dwindling strike funds with winter coming on fast. Yet, the strikers remain unified and determined to win a living wage and shorter hours.