Student Loan Payments change for new year. Otherchanges: Basic Economics of Services Trade - Important. Change Effects 80% of the economy
1.)Federal student loan payments resume in 2022
The pause on federal student loans is currently set to expire Jan 31.
For months now, experts have urged borrowers to prepare for payments to resume. Ashley Boucher, director of corporate communications for Sallie Mae says “looking ahead” will be key for borrowers as the pause deadline nears.
2.You may be entitled to forgiveness
The Biden Administration is likely negotiating the issue of student loan forgiveness (subsidies) with foreign countries that claim subsidies for US students hurts their business and violates WTO rules on subsidies, because it distorts trade in financial services. You need to speak up because a war is taking place on public higher education, just as one is taking place against other kinds of subsidies.
When the government opened up services markets by creating the WTO in 1995 (80% of the economy) it put US workers into direct competition with 7.5 billion other people for their jobs (that figure keeps going up) and agreed (many say) to let an "unlimited number" of already employed foreign workers into the country, in order so that their firms, which offer temporary labor doing various services that they provide . Such as staffing services, various kinds of phone center services, a great many jobs that are people intensive that had been done in the US by middle class white collar workers. Since Americans are paid fairly well for doingthis work, if often said that this is very inefficient. Americans, given their relatively high pay would be better employed in high skill jobs for which there are no alternatives. So the Clinton Administration negotiated a huge shift on services, that's intended to be a sort of NAFTA for the rest of the jobs. But because of some contentious issues its been delayed over 20 years, and is only starting now. In many cases, it also gave the lowest bidding (on various public projects like infrastructure work of various kinds) firms entitlements to those jobs, if they are otherwise qualified and bid the cheapest. This is a big change. Keep this change in mind when making plans for the future. Some may want to look at this change as a huge loss in lifetime income because that is likely to be the effect because some wages may plummet. Other changes may increase efficiency as well as income. Just as increases in imports made certain kinds of products cheaper, this change will make labor cheaper. If you hire workers, your profits may increase as you will be able to get labor cheaper.
Also, avoid loans and mortgages. The future could bring big changes for investments of all kinds. The economy may be big Ponzi scheme that could implode at any time. Don't get caught in this implosion.
Article: The Basic Economics of Services Trade by Brian Copeland and Aaditya Matoo