# Joe Biden

Possible name for a punk band: Joementum and the Icebergs

Today The Lever held an online show titled "Why is Joe Biden Running for Re-Election?" On it, David Sirota says: "I think when you have a contested primary it shows that that the party knows how to run a campaign." The reason the Democrats, and particularly Bernie Sanders, do not want a contested primary is because they know that Biden does not know how to run a campaign

Biden Promises $2 Trillion in Climate Action

Today, presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to spend $2 Trillion over 4 years to combat climate change, create middle- and working-class jobs, and even start to correct racial disparities.

On the one hand, I know mainstream Democrats promise the world and never follow through. I'd expect nothing less from Joe or Kamala (whoever ends up being the driving force behind the throne).
