
Israel changes trajectory of Trump/Syrian pull back

When I previously posted on the charade of the chemical weapon attack, I was overly optimistic about Trump, having bellowed loudly and beaten his chest convincingly, would then pull back as he previously intended. I thought linearly, always a mistake in politics or war. Israel has now interjected itself into the conflict.

Israel lobbing missiles in Syria. 16 minutes.

"Last War in the History of Mankind"

"Last war in the history of mankind", that's what Evgeny Buzhinsky, a former senior Russian general has warned could happen over this latest false flag chemical attack and the subsequent illegal bombing in Syria by one of Amerika's proxies, Israel. (see Below)

The Weekly Watch

Prisoners, Hostages, Tradewars,
and Weapons of Mass Distraction

Another week speeds by as spring (or fall in the really deep south) unfolds. This week it strikes me how easily we are distracted from understanding our world and situation. Some things seem so obvious. The oligarchs no longer make a secret of their domination. Just a glance at Brazil should make us aware (not to mention Venezuela nor Honduras....or even our own territory of Puerto Rico). The rush to create Russia as an enemy is obscenely obvious as diplomats are expelled across the globe without a shred of evidence. Truthsayers are silenced... Assange blocked from the internet in the embassy and Snowden is exiled to Russia. But like emerging seeds teachers are rising up across our country, students are speaking out, and movements are growing. It is time to escape the bonds of commercial corporate media and help people understand our common condition.


One Last Question, How many Nukes does Israel Have?

israel vs iran.jpg

Population of Israel - 8.3 million
Population of Iran - 81 million

Land area of Israel - 8 thousand square miles
Land area of Iran - 636 thousand square miles

Both are self governing independent nations recognized by the United Nations.

Number of Nuclear weapons possessed by Israel - estimated at between 75 and 400
