Signal Wave
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Sun, 05/24/2020 - 5:14am
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys.
On This Week!!! He suggested thinking about it. Of course they changed the subject fast.
He's been one of the more realistic analysts (despite being a Republican), but still!
I'm speechless - sorry to have no more to say. Yet. Maybe there is some hope.
What do you think?
Watching the slow death of About to Collapse Anyday (ACA) is like watching Hillary climb stairs. It's conclusion is inevitable but the process is painful. The deterioration is akin to rapidly advancing cancer where the patient gets emaciated and weaker, yet the doctors continue to pursue old-fashioned remedies. Remember leeches (no, not the ones in D.C.) but the truly blood-sucking riverine parasites?