
Evil in the Age of Utopian Dreaming

Adolf Hitler had two utopian dreams, both of which were evil and both of which constituted the core of Hitler's political philosophy.

The first one, more familiar to today's masses, was Judenfrage, translated as the "Jewish Question." Hitler's answer to the "Jewish Question," initially, was to remove all Jews from Germany. Eventually this became kill them all.

Mueller's retention as special counsel: a lesson from history

Although the two incidents upon which I report are vastly different in scale, there is a commonality between the two. And therein is a lesson for today's political witch hunt. We are aware of an internal coup attempted against Der Führer's life in July, 1944 in Operation Valküre. This plot did not succeed. No further significant intrinsic German attempts were made against Hitler's life, at least in part to A.H's extermination of all suspected plotters and sympathizers.

Das Kabinett vom Führer Donald Drumpf

Yes we know DT is bad but his gang is worse, if that can be possible. Steve Bannon, anti-semitic rabble rouser, sets the tone for the 4th Reich. (H/T to MsGrin)

“fond of promoting rivalries among subordinates, wary of delegating major decisions, scornful of convention and fiercely insistent on a culture of loyalty around him.”