Mueller's retention as special counsel: a lesson from history
Although the two incidents upon which I report are vastly different in scale, there is a commonality between the two. And therein is a lesson for today's political witch hunt. We are aware of an internal coup attempted against Der Führer's life in July, 1944 in Operation Valküre. This plot did not succeed. No further significant intrinsic German attempts were made against Hitler's life, at least in part to A.H's extermination of all suspected plotters and sympathizers. Without further venturing into Das Reich's internal political woes, we need consider the Allied plans to assassinate Hitler, all of which were contemplated up to 1943 or early 1944. Then, the Allies, in a fit of true brilliance decided that it was better to keep Crazy Adolph alive so he would continue his massive military blunders which cost Germany the war.
Fast forward to another Fascist regime, this time on the other side of the Atlantic Wall and many decades removed: today's Amerikkka. Whilst the Hitlerian horrors have not yet been realized (except for a smattering of police murders and a growing list of Arkancides), a Salem style witch hunt has been unleashed by the dying Democraptic party to remove the loathed Orangutan from the White House.
Unlike the Valküre plotters, this recent coup attempt was considered and implemented with typical Dumbocratic stupidity, ill-conceived planning and a cast of characters with the gravitas of the Keystone Cops.
Atop the power pyramid is one Robert Swan Mueller, the 3rd or 4th, carefully placed into position by his former lackey Rod Rosenstein, assistant AG. Rosenstein aided and abetted Mueller's role in the Uranium One deal, shielding his boss from flack which the MSM carefully covered up anyway.
The cast of characters assigned to this pseudo-judicial travesty includes multiple Democratically-leaning attorneys, most of whom are still on the job. But RSM 3/4's "investigators", culled from the FBI represent some of the most corrupt, venal political animals to ever disgrace the House of J.E. Hoover.
First on the chopping block, that we know of, is Peter Strzok, about whom I have written earlier and about whom more is revealed daily. Things we know about P. Strzok.
Bruce Ohr, who is actually a DOJ lawyer was next to go because his wife coincidentally works for Fusion GPS, which payed for the famous "piss dossier". Note, the aforementioned P. Strzok was the courier of the dossier from ex-spook Christopher Steele (formerly MI-6) to the FBI. Now Mr. Strzok also took down Lisa Page (pun intended), his paramour and FBI agent in his zealous defense of Her Heiness. Lisa left or was demoted for parts unknown after her communications with Peter were discovered--but she was not part of the investigation.
Next in line is James Baker, chief counsel for the FBI, who has strong Clintonite sentiments. Jimmy is hoping to hang on for 90 more days in order to collect his pension, before Trump axes him. He will be gone by April.
Now, we get to chief co-conspirator Andrew McCabe, who was for a time the number 2 at FBI before his recent demotion. Andy got $700,000 money-laundered "election funds" for his wife's unsuccessful Virginia state senate race. In VA, candidates get to keep left-over bribes campaign funds.
Andy most likely has his bags packed, because he isn't going to last out 2018 at the FBI.
Andrew Weisman is another Hillbot in the FBI, cheering HER on, even attending the ill-fated Hillary Victory Party. His office is a few doors down from McCabe's. I suppose the clock is ticking down on his tenure, too.
Rod Rosenstein of the DOJ is holding on tooth and claw to protect Mueller, because when RSM goes, RR goes soon.
In summary, the pillars of the Mueller house of cards are being gradual denuded of support. They have produced nothing of substance (including Manafort's and Flynn's unrelated prosecutions). So, like the Alllies, Trump is going to watch the slow demise of the whole charade, with a growing smile.
After the inevitable Mueller collapse, what have the Democrats left in their arsenal? As they say in Riyadh: "bupkis". The Democrats are watching the internal, self-inflicted destruction of their party, no matter how many big donors they can continue to convince supporting Team Blue. Hell, Bernie didn't have a thing to do with this.
I was fortunate enough to get a picture of the lead characters in the Swan Ballet. Starting from the left: Peter Strzok, then James McCabe, and of course R. Swan Mueller 3/4.

OMG, is he still alive?
Darn, I knew it all along. Those Allies are really brilliant.
Ja, Ja, "Es lebe der ...., Sieg ....Hell".
Hugs. No offense. Just saying.
Mein Gott! What have I done!!!
What have the Democrats left in their arsenal?
Howard Dean?
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Gag me.
Mueller's strength
is in doing nothing. I still hold him accountable for protecting our illegal Anthrax weaponization program by NOT finding the perpetrator of the anthrax attack.
But I am also astonished at the blatant lying in the press and on the part of members of Congress effusively praising him. Based on WHAT? What is he supposed to have done that made him the "ideal choice" for this position. What?
His deadpan face and his ability to stand there motionless while nothing happens is somehow a strength?
This is among the many things about the Russiagate brain washing that completely mystify me. What exactly are they visualizing when they picture him as some kind of statesman? Nothing, as far as I can see. It's just stated, as a lie, in the press. Therefore it's true. Agh.