
Open Thread - Thurs 06 Feb 2025 - Butterflies and Genocide

Butterflies and Genocide

Lee Camp has started a substack page in the last couple months. He's only written a couple of things for it, but what he has done is really pretty good. The article that I'm thinking about right now is entitled 'Of Butterflies and Genocide'.

Illustration from Lee Camp's article: 'Of Butterflies and Genocide' on substack.

Open Thread - Thurs 11 Jul 2024 - Nothing Much

Nothing Much:

I've not got much for this open thread, so I'm posting a pic of one of my lovely goats, Poppy, and a video about amazing things dogs do. And opening the thread! Post whatever you want, whatever is up. And have some fun thinking about goats and dogs Smile .

Poppy, Poppy:
She's got one of her sons still with us, Harold. She is a very, very smart goat, and learned to come get some milk from me when I was feeding her best friend, Lily, whose mother couldn't feed her. Poppy got the last of the bottle and loved it. She and Harold, her son, are very close even as she approaches 7.5 years old (faint).

Poppy, giving me the look that means she's ready to be milked!

Open Thread - Thurs 28 Mar 2024 - Social Security and Some Fun!

28 March 2024 - Social Security and Some Fun!

Back in August RJ Eskow wrote 'Social Security, FDR, and the Real Meaning of Liberty' on his substack: The Zero Hour Report: A Newsletter from Richard (RJ) Eskow.

The article is about the meaning of the 'social security' act at the time it was created and now. Eskow writes that the word 'security emphasizes its goal for individuals'. That is, it's about financial security for every man, woman and child in the country. The word social emphasizes the act's broader societal goals; everyone has to be secure, everyone has to be able to eat, to have housing, to live decently.

Signing Of The Social Security Act
FDR signs the Social Security Act. From Wikimedia Commons.

As Eskow writes, Roosevelt framed this as an extension of the liberty upon which the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc, were founded. That is, liberty for everyone, not for the rich or those in control, but everyone.

Open Thread - Thurs 16 Mar 2023 - Miss McKenzi and Florence

(Miss) McKenzi and her daughter, Florence:

I've not been able to pay much attention to current news this week (hoping that changes with the comments in this Open Thread and reading the short backlog I've got here), so I'm gonna talk about McKenzi, one of the first five goats we raised, and her daughter, Florence.

Miss Mack when she was about 6 months old

Open Thread - Thurs 30 Jun 2022 - An Epic Battle!

A Tale of Two Warriors and Their Final Battle

Something about Tuesdays recently... my Tuesday was screwed up again. Last week it was the internet going down, this week it was the electricity. Minor complaints, but yeesh, it's hard to get my little open thread post assembled without the computer!

Open Thread - Thurs 09 June 2022 - A Farm Story

Mr. Travis Belvedere

Most of us humans, especially if we grew up in the USA or another industrialized place, never experience life with other animals - beyond pets like dogs and cats. When I was a kid one wasn't even allowed to acknowledge that animals had brains, had feelings, and had functioning societies. They were just dumb beasts meant to abuse and eventually eat, maybe.