Outside the Asylum
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Sun, 07/05/2020 - 5:18am

Engineering Culture
Pt. 2
Engineering Culture
Pt. 2
Framing in the social sciences refers to a set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies organize, perceive, and communicate about reality.
https://vimeo.com/218307234 - @ 7:09
I'm sick of the market talk by the Democrats...
I like to think we're a society and not a market. When you talk about charter schools, you're talking about making our education a market.
When you're talking about insurance and healthcare you're talking about a market.
Feel free to use these memes and frames to discuss the politics of the day. Catapult this shit into the national public discourse as best you can. These memes and frames cover a lot of ground and have bipartisan applications.
They all build and work towards solidarity and point out the real, live bogeymen that are trashing our country.
Please, spread them far and wide...
Alright, time to man up, Snowflake…
What is the equivalent of Snowflake™ in terms of culture?
People who use the term snowflake are always whining about all kinds of crazy shit — starbucks hates Christmas, the WAR on Christmas, happy holidays hurts my fee-fees, protest peacefully, peaceful protest is terrorism, get your government hands off my medicare. omg, he didn't even capitalize GOD!!!
This is a response to a FB comment referencing this piece that has our American Disc Dog Community at each other's throats.
The message happens in the receiver.
Saw this today on the FB:
Here's my response:
This is potentially the worst political meme ever. Are you guys TRYING to make her lose?
You ever read any George Lakoff or get the skinny on framing? Don't Think of an Elephant?
The dustup from not standing for the national anthem might have some legs. Kids have been picking it up.
I had a major epiphany while reading a recent piece by George Lakoff about the sophisticated message coming from Donald Trump.
I really loved the piece, and while I can't quite buy the main idea "Trump is a maestro of human emotion", preferring some kind of idiot savant explanation, this idea jumped out at me:
Cui Bono -- Who benefits?
Part political maxim, part contrarian canard.
The ACA... Who benefits?
People paying $5000 deductibles with hundreds of dollars per month for insurance? Perhaps.
Obama? I guess... I really don't see it, but OK. So what?
The Medical Industrial Complex? You betcha.
Social Security... Who Benefits?
The disabled, the orphaned, the widowed, the aged, anyone I've missed?