I Don't Think We Should Speak Out Against Our Government Either
Submitted by k9disc on Sun, 09/18/2016 - 8:09pm
The dustup from not standing for the national anthem might have some legs. Kids have been picking it up.
I got a friend on FB that posts student athletes of all ages taking a knee during the anthem to support social justice and to stand in solidarity with the black community against racism and police abuse.
Next time that shitty meme crosses your FB stream, or someone in public attacks peaceful, non-guntoting protestors of the Left, just reply with this:
"Yeah, I don't think we should speak out against our government either."
I'd love to see a shit ton of responses like that from decent human beings on social media and in public. I think it might empower humanity and serve as a check against racism and nativism masquerading as patriotism.

They're speaking all the time.
I was offered a "Blue lives matter" police wristband at a wedding.
They were shocked when I said "No thanks. I don't know any blue people."
Maybe I'm prejudiced against Smurfs.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It seems
pretty much those are the only lives that DO matter, everyone else gets shot. Hyperbole, don't have a cow.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Excellent Answer!
I'm planning on reframing the occupation question, myself, although I've not tried it live yet:
"... and what do you do?"
"I'm a Cop."
"Oh, that's great. So you work for the government of Anytown. I love public servants. My aunt works for the DMV."
I'm pretty sure that's not going to go over well.
They really want to be Cops, with a capital C. Cops are not "normal" people like us civilians. I believe this self segregation from the population at large and from the local government is a critical problem leading to police abuse. I think allowing them to think of themselves as "COPS" and not a human, or public servant (I don't know any Blue People... friggin' brilliant
), that segregation is a problem.
I am not going to give them their own position of society. They are people who work for the government.
I've been browbeat by the Cop tribal thing by an off duty cop doing security at a big corporate gig we did. He really pissed me off. He wanted to make sure I knew he was a cop and could make trouble for me and my business, despite the fact that he was a rent a cop with a plastic badge, securing my wellbeing at the behest of a corporation that I was doing business with.
It was super messed up. After I started to settle down from the weekend, I came up wth the idea of not letting themselves believe they were some kind of uberpowerful minority -- Blue People.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
"I Don't Know Any Blue People..."
"I mean cops!"
"Oh, you mean the civil servants who patrol our streets and work for the local government?"
"Police Officers?"
"Yeah, I Support the Fraternal Order of Police and anything that helps keep the peace. Although as far as the Police Unions go, it's hit or miss."
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The Fraternal (of or like a brother or brothers) Order of Police
are nothing but money grabbers now.
The majority of unwanted calls (the do not call registration is shit) I get are from them. I ask politely for them to take me off of their calling list.
I really believe they pass the number to others just to try and piss me off.
It doesn't work. I just mess with them more and more.
Try to find a national (and they are) financial report about their operations.
Good fucking luck. They report local only. Not nationwide. Many of the local financial reports are severely limited in their information.
It's a scam very little less prestigious than religion.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. And please, don't support them if I'm right.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I Think They Are A Fine Organization to Represent "Blue" Lives
I'm not donating to them, but they are the BLM of police organizations.
They represent and support the "Blue" people you mentioned.
I used to get their calls, but I don't any longer.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I'm afraid too many commenters would agree with you!
When people say that others deserve to get shot by cops if they don't do what the cops tell them, if they think we should all bow our heads and obey the police, what's to stop them thinking they should bow their heads and obey the government?
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The Decent People Would Check You, I Think.
"Well, I didn't say that..."
The not so decent people would have a short circuit.
The jury (public or ancillary readers) would see the point or, at the very least, see the logical inconsistency.
The Right Wing trolls would have real trouble and expose themselves for the hypocrites they are.
I think it's pretty solid. I'll let you know how it fares. You might want to try it too.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
RW Trolls
It took some stretch of my snark meter to capture the intent of your essay. It is great to see the movement spreading to youth, and those not in the eye of the MSM...i.e. professional athletes.
I feel your broad brush stroke about right wing trolls is out of line. Their are many who feel cop worship is necessary that are far from RWTrolls. Just sayin'... no need to fan the flames of extreme partisanship that is at epidemic levels already.
By going there you give those individuals a self righteous ownership of patriotism as a distorted tool of oppression. Being proud of our country, and our national anthem is personal, not necessarily a tribal, right or left ideology. Defining patriotism as left, or right is as bad as demanding one stands during the ritual.
A Great Part of That Patriotism Is Protest.
Left, Right, and Center.
All of the ideologies believe this, in principle, but in practice it's sometimes a problem.
We usually attack on this front, directly. This is an attack from within.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Agreed n/t