FEC Finally Recognizes the Obvious

Commissioner Ann Ravel goes the full Louis Renault:

Federal Election Commission member Ann Ravel on Tuesday proposed a ban on political contributions by domestic subsidiaries of foreign corporations.

Ravel’s proposal cites The Intercept series last week reporting that American Pacific International Capital, a California corporation owned by two Chinese nationals, donated $1.3 million to Right to Rise USA, the main Super PAC supporting Jeb Bush’s presidential run.

Ravel wrote that as a result of Citizens United and subsequent Supreme Court decisions, “our campaign finance system is vulnerable to influence from foreign nationals and foreign corporations through Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates in ways unimaginable a decade ago.”

Yes, Commissioner Ravel. Who could have possibly even remotely imagined that a former President and his Secretary of State spouse who also happen to run a multinational, billion dollar not-for-profit could (only hypothetically, mind you) have any dealings that might, perhaps, maybe, lead to the smidgen of the notion of an idea of the contemplation a foreign bribe?

Why that's preposterous!