#FBI #Comey #HillaryClinton

Team Hillary spikes football, but even WaPo says this is "worse than we thought"

Without fail, the neoliberal talking heads online today were out in force trying to spin today as a complete vindication of their disingenuous shilling. They have been pumping the narrative for weeks that anyone who asked questions about this email scandal was either "sexist" or part of a "right-wing conspiracy".

Guess the pro-Clinton newspaper Washington Post is now..... a right wing conspiracy theorist?

Nobody before Clinton ever abused their political power so as to INSIST on using a personal email server instead of a government sanctioned solution. And because she was the first to do so, Comey advises that our nation let Clinton walk. Nice.

I was just a little peeved by a diary over on TOP: ""Comey: Only Facts Matter." No charges." Here is the reply I wrote but never published ...

Only facts matter. What a title. On a diary that is extraordinarily light on details, and groaning-ly heavy with cherry picked talking points. So let's talk for a moment about facts, shall we?