The Family

Just a Friendly Pre-Election Reminder of an Absolutely Skin-Crawling Fact About Hillary Clinton

Many of us have our reasons for walking away from the two-party duopoly and not supporting the Democratic Party's anointed successor. These reasons often include her belligerent foreign policy, her neoliberal economic beliefs, her support for offshoring American jobs, her past and present support for militarized police and a draconian criminal justice system, the pay-to-play corruption that has always surrounded both her and her husband, the underhanded tactics she and her establishment backers used to derail an actual social democratic reformer, as well as her untrustworthiness in general. But there's one thing that (much to her relief, I'm sure) has barely been mentioned this cycle--many of the pieces I've linked to below are from the 2007-2008 primaries, and the Harper's article I quote isn't online anymore, but has been archived elsewhere. Yet I still find it surprising that this has passed largely unnoted this year.

I'm talking about the fact that Hillary Clinton used to belong to a secretive Washington religious cult that literally worships power.

And no, I'm not making that up.