Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Sun, 03/15/2020 - 5:52am
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys.
“Human language is local and changeable, it is therefore incapable of being used as the means of unchangeable and universal information.”
- Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason
What about this FAITH thing, anyway?
"But though, speaking for myself, I thus admit the possibility of revelation. I totally disbelieve that the almighty ever did communicate any thing to man by any mode of speech in any language . . . .
This will be a several part essay, which will hope to explain just how we got ourselves into the mess we now face.
Faith. Everyone seems to recognize it, but what is it really? What is truly meant by the word Faith? And what role has it played in politics, especially in the race for the presidency.