European Union

Turkish referendum on death penalty likely

From the Frankfurter Allgemeine

F.A.Z. exklusiv
Türkische Regierung erwägt Referendum über Todesstrafe
In einem Interview mit der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung" hat der türkische Außenminister Mevlüt Cavusoglu über die Möglichkeit einer Rückkehr zur Todesstrafe in seinem Land gesprochen. Ein Referendum könnte entscheiden.

Turkish government considers holding a referendum on the restoration of the death penalty.

Dokumentary - The Great European Disaster Movie

oh well, I am still not over it. So, I ran into this and found it worth to look at, just for "a reality check", though the whole thing is fictional. Hmm, may be it's just hard to not be able anymore to believe in a "European Dream", I have long given up to believe in the "American Dream". I guess we all need to stop dreaming. What a pity. The realities are so sobering. Like Fuck that Shit kind of sobering.

Some really good news, David Cameron resigns after vote to exit EU!

Met English guy the other day here in Kruger National Park in South Africa who told of traveling around as a young man in Germany with a mate tabling the promotion of the benefits of formation of EU. He said the friend he had tabled with was coming to the park, but now was a supporter of UK leaving the EU.

Jakkalbessie and I have been traveling since mid April and only read headlines on Google News about the vote in UK on whether to stay or go. Saw occasional FB posts as well.