
Global Peace Index and the Empire

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The Institute for Economics and Peace has issued its tenth annual 2016 Global Peace Index (GPI). The GPI uses 23 factors/indicators to rank the countries of the world according to Peace, from the most peaceful to the least peaceful. The analysis came to the conclusion that the world has become less peaceful and more unequal over the last ten years.

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity ask a War Criminal to not go to War with Russia

A group calling themselves the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) has written a "memo" to Empire in Chief Obama, just like they did to war criminal George W. Bush in the earlier part of the century.

The Anti-Antiwar Left

Many have lamented the lack of an antiwar movement in this country, the land of Empire and Imperialism. Many have also criticized the faux left that supports U.S. "interventions", those that support War Criminal Obama and want War Criminal Clinton to be the next President of the Empire.

We're not alone. They have the same problem in Europe.

Meet the Press et al are State Propaganda Shows

I had an epiphany this morning. Well, not really an epiphany, more like an affirmation. It's certainly not something I've not known for a very long time. But it was kind of an epiphany in that my experience had a certain sudden clearness to it and an "insight into reality caused by a commonplace occurrence".

Or maybe I just want to say something.

Are You a Terrorist?

PLEASE NOTE: What follows is obviously not directed at my friends at The 99. It is an essay excerpt written for a different place. I wanted my colleagues to see it, because parts of it are inspired by things I've learned here and by links I've followed that were posted here.

Let us Synchronize our Moral Compass

We should be ever mindful of the fact that ISIS are a creation of US imperialist slaughter and mass displacement, along with secular liberal authoritarianism and suppression.

Any US meddling in the region should be opposed wholesale by the genuine left, if it does exist, for the horrors of US imperialism that it is

I am struggling to reconcile the logic of Europeans, Americans, or other foreign entities who heroically opposed the Iraq war with now supporting mass slaughter against sovereign nationals or so-called rebels in Syria, Iraq, or anywhere else in the Middle East. My position is this:   Oppose any bombing of Syria or any sovereign region by the US, France, Great Britain, Australia, Russia or any other murderous regime with a squadron of warplanes ready to inflict the terror of aerial bombardment.

Solidarity with those people being terrorized from the skies is the natural position of a truly sentient human being with an undamaged mind.
